Lights! Cameras! Action!

At Lucid Narratives our mission is to provide intelligent video stories that help all of us (us the producers and you the audience) think in a more holistic or creative way about things going on in the world around us. One way we do this is by finding people who know more about something than we do and talking to them.

Our first video series is on economic topics. Why economics? Because economics is all around us, like an engine humming through our everyday lives. We’re not taking a stand on whether or not we like it, but we are acknowledging that is how things seem to roll here in the U.S.A. All puns and metaphors aside, “economics” is very important in our world.

Today, more than ever, we have this sense that economics plays a sly role in conversations, like funding this or that federal program or refreshing versus repealing a particular policy, so we want to explore how our economic system influences things indirectly. Also, we happened to meet the most amazing wizard when it comes to understanding numbers – he thrives on them – and he’s delved pretty deeply into economics, finance, taxation, and banking.

Since we’ve had a lot of experience in documentary filmmaking, we start by asking ourselves, “What’s the story that needs to be told here?” We have a number of conversations with our client or talent to clarify this. Then, we prepare our studio with a set, lights, microphones, and cameras, and at the pre-appointed hour we roll. (We go on-site too; it’s just that we prefer to record important interviews where we can control the environment for the best quality audio and visuals.) We roll on this series next week: Lights, cameras, ACTION!

We hope you like our choice of topics, and that they surprise and delight you. We respect that we all lead very busy lives, so we’ll keep things fairly short with tightly defined topics. Mostly. Once you get outside the proverbial box, things expand and connect pretty quickly, so we’ll see how it goes. Please leave us comments on what you like, don’t like, and are curious about.

We called this post “Action!” because it’s a word we use every time we’re ready to roll on a new video recording session. However, many people use “Action” because they want you to do something. So, if you like what you see, please follow and support us by sharing and inviting your friends. Thank you.

Stay tuned!